"Your dedication to this issue is making a better and
brighter tomorrow for our nation. I truly value your insight."
- Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. (2011)
The goal of this training program is to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement to provide effective response to victims of domestic/sexual assault and stalking. At the completion of the training, law enforcement officers will be able to describe how traumatic experiences impact victim memory, reactions and behavior, and how officer interpretation of this behavior impacts sexual assault investigations. The course will examine strategies to gather information and work with victims to facilitate trust and communication. The students will review practices that postpone judgment regarding the validity of a case until a thorough investigation is completed and to recognize potential sources of officer bias and ways to mitigate its impact on reports.
Mark Wynn Consulting | info@markwynn.com | 2500 Murfreesboro Road - Suite 105 - PMB 135 | Nashville, TN 37217
Phone: (615) 360-3994 | Fax: (615) 469-0823